Phillip Grass

Danish design brand Phillip Grass strives to create furniture with an inspiring and vivid presence that gently blurs the line between art and function

Founded in 2014, the Danish design & interior brand Phillip Grass strives to create furniture with an inspiring and vivid presence that gently blurs the line separating art from function.

Poetic and imaginative elements enhanced with a subtle touch of humour are at the heart of Phillip Grass’ design philosophy.

The sophisticated objects created by Phillips Grass challenge the conventional division of sculpture and furniture by merging the two harmoniously and allowing the objects to take on a life of their own.

Phillip Grass, the founder and designer, started his creative work as a craftsman producing wooden sculptures.

His skills in woodwork were of great use in building a solid foundation for his cabinet making skills, which in turn formed the basis for his future design work with furniture.

Phillip Grass holds an MFA in Furniture Design from Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA; BFA in Sculpturing from University of the Arts, Bremen, Germany, and is trained as a cabinet maker.

Find out more about Phillip Grass here